Here are some of our most frequently asked questions. If you didn't find the answer to your question, feel free to contact us here.
Who Can Benefit from GCF's Services?
GCF is a B2B platform that connects businesses of all types with easily available shipments to carrier service companies that are qualified to handle them.
What Can I Ship?
We provide support for the transportation of perishable and npn-perishable items no matter their size or weight. GCF helps you ship anything you want provided it's legal in the location of its departure and arrival.
Can you provide after hours and weekends emergency service?
We are available on a 24/7/365 basis, anywhere you may require them.
How should I know if I need an FCL or LCL for my Ocean Freight?
We provide you with the necessary guidance in order to know which type of Ocean Freight service suits your purpose the most: An FCL shipment or LCL shipment.